Kate Brenner

Running to the Divine

Run the noise out of your mind

Running as a pathway to the Divine....a direct experience of the mystical source of life


When running and experiencing the Divine, you need to use care and common sense to avoid experiencing too much of the profane. While having faith in Divine Protection, it still pays to look before crossing the street. We all know the story of the man who counted on God's protection during the flood. As the rains came down and the water began to rise, he tuned in to his local weather channel and heard the news. "God will protect me", he thought. As the waters rose he heard shouting and went out onto his front porch. A rowboat was passing and they called out to him "Come with us, we'll take you to higher ground" and he responded "God will protect me". Eventually, he was all the way up to the roof of his house with the waters lapping around him when a helicopter came by. They called out to him "We'll drop you a rope so you can come with us. We'll take you to higher ground." and he responded "God will protect me". Then, he drown. When he met God at the peraly gates, he said "Why did you abandon me. I expected you to save me." and God responded "First, I sent you the news broadcast so you could get away in time, then I sent you a rowboat to carry you to safety and finally even a helicopter. What were you waiting for?"

So, plan ahead. First, take a cell phone. Protect it from moisture if it's raining out - or if it's so hot you'll be pouring water on yourself. Take it from me, I've killed 2 cellphones by not protecting them from the water I poured on my head. And put your primary contact in your address book under ICE, which stands for "In Case of Emergency" just in case an emergency keeps you from being the person who can use the cell phone.

A small can of pepper spray or the like can help you feel safe from dangerous animals of all varieties. This I personally do not do, but then again I'm a male, I often run with others, and I usually run through neighborhoods where I feel safe.

Pay attention to your surroundings, know the expected weather conditions, carry some identification and contact information and a small amount of money and let someone know where you are going and when you expect to be back.

Wear clothing that allows you to be visible to motorists.

Dress for the weather - neither sunstroke nor frostbite will enhance your experience. YakTraxx are great to keep from fallingg if there's snow or ice.

And, consider wearing RoadID. They offer a lot of peace of mind for a relatively small cost.


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